
The Professionalism Professional Practice Standard is incredibly significant as it helps to ensure that all educators understand the demands of their vocation and present themselves in a respectable and professional manner as they shape young minds and futures.  In a leadership role, educators are constantly setting an example for their students and should strive to ensure it is a positive one. Teachers are educating and helping to raise members of society and therefore must display professional ethics in their speech, appearance, and actions both on and off school property. While there are countless methods of demonstrating the Professionalism standard, some of the most important ways are: working in partnership with families to promote student learning at home and in school, incorporating learning from professional growth opportunities into instructional practice, and demonstrating consistent mastery of standard oral and written English in all communication.

A school-wide program to encourage parents and students to work together on math skills

Project Learning Tree Certificate

Project Wild Certificate 

Using ideas from Project Learning Tree in my lessons

My Introduction Letter to Parents